That is why this project
is being launched. It will be based on the principles of radical social change:
participatory democracy, democratic public ownership, the redistribution of wealth
and power from the rich to the poor and full independence from the British state
and its monarch.
It will stand for the
two spirits of ’45: the vast grassroots movement that inspired 45% of the population
to vote Yes for social justice and equality in an independent Scotland; and the
year of 1945, when the generation that had defeated fascism created the National
Health Service, even while public debt was at its highest ever. […]
This is a project that
will learn from communities, engage with trade unions and develop from the grassroots.
In this, we take our inspiration from the rise of groups like Spain’s Podemos, which
has made great progress in creating a citizens’ politics. Forums will be created
to discuss how the Scottish Left can present the best possible socialist challenge
at the Holyrood elections in 2016, and we will crowdsource policies that truly deliver
for working people. This will not happen overnight, but the long-term aim of this
project is to change the face of Scottish politics. […]
'Opening Statement', Scottish Left project
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